MEASUREMENTS (inches WIDTH X LENGTH): 2.14 x 1.04
1. Our mesh stencils work best when attached to a DHD Stencil Blocker. Use removable tape or painter's tape to attach the mesh stencil to the stencil blocker. **Apply tape to the MATTE side of the mesh stencil only, NOT to the shiny side. Apply the stencil on top of the stencil blocker, right side up, so you can read the words. Mount the DHD Stencil Blocker (with the mesh stencil attached) in a stencil holder, such as a Stencil Genie.
2. Test your royal icing consistency. The icing should hold a peak but be soft enough to go through the mesh. If it's too runny it will bleed under the stencil. It is best to experiment with the stencil on a piece of paper to test the icing consistency before you apply it to the cookie.
3. Align the stencil (in the stencil holder) over the cookie. Using a small spatula, pick up a little of the icing and run a line of it above the lettering (on the stencil background). Use a stencil scraper and fairly firm pressure to pull the icing across the mesh stencil. Repeat to remove any excess icing and to cover any missed areas. Lift the stencil holder straight up and let the icing dry.
4. Carefully remove the tape from the stencil and rinse gently in cool water. Do not scrub or use any harsh chemicals on the stencil. Gently blot dry with a paper towel. Lay the stencil matte side DOWN on a paper towel to thoroughly dry.
MADE IN THE USA. Silkscreen Mesh Stencil prices are determined by size and the amount of labor involved in making them. There are many steps to the process, so they are rather labor intensive. They are an investment, but they can be used over and over again with proper care.
All designs are Copyright ©Darcie Heater, Darcie Heater Designs, Darcie’s Heart & Home. All rights reserved. All Darcie Heater designs are protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the designs without prior written permission of Darcie Heater is prohibited. All designs are registered with the Library of Congress. Copyright violations are actively pursued.